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KAN Explorer
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+ >
KAN Explorer
Network Configuration
Inner Units
Outer Units
Grid Points
+ type="number"
+ id="gridPoints"
+ min="10"
+ max="50"
+ value="25"
+ />
Spline Degree
+ type="number"
+ id="splineDegree"
+ min="1"
+ max="5"
+ value="3"
+ />
Training Settings
Learning Rate
+ type="number"
+ id="learningRate"
+ min="0.0001"
+ max="0.1"
+ step="0.0001"
+ value="0.001"
+ />
Model Type
Dynamic Weight KAN
Improved Standard KAN
Attention-Based KAN
Train Model
Training Progress
Performance Metrics
AUC Score
KS Statistic
Log Loss
KAN Explorer
Made with precision for machine learning experimentation